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The hollowing out of democracy has been caused by a grotesque celebration of greed, the massive growth of inequality, a culture of cruelty, and a disdain for public virtues, all wrapped up in an authoritarian populism.   This book is based on long research and in-depth exploration of the dynamic relationship between the states and corporations, which has changed sharply with the rise of globalisation. It shows the impact of the corporate power over people’s lives. It not only raises questions about the future of democracy but also offers various solutions for protecting and saving democracy, and various ways to defeat the corporatocracy. The author J. Dhopte got a degree in mechanical engineering, diploma in marine engineering and master’s in financial management. He worked in Merchant Navy for 10 years, travelling across the globe on ships. He had a border-less career in maritime, plastic, service, hospitality and education industries with opportunities to work in various locations ar
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